Pregnancytest MIDSTREAM

Digital Pregnancy Test One Step

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Price: 12,90 1290
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Digital Pregnancy Test One Step. The One Step DIGITAL pregnancy test gives a clear confirmation of the result. Sensitivity 25 mIU/ml HCG in urine.
Digital Pregnancy Test One Step

The One Step DIGITAL pregnancy test gives a clear confirmation of the result. The digital display of the test shows a reliable and clear result "YES" (pregnant) or "No" (not pregnant), so you don't have to interpret the lines.

Quick and easy to use - Clear result

Clear - you can't mistake the result
Easy to use - the bell symbol indicates the functionality of the test
More than 99% certainty - already from the expected start date of menstruation
Sensitivity 25 mIU/ml HCG in urine

Result in 3 minutes, some results may come in as fast as one minute.

The placenta starts producing the HCG hormone during pregnancy, soon after the embryo attaches to the endometrium. Usually, hCG can be detected with a home pregnancy test 7-10 days after conception. This test can detect pregnancy already on the first day after the absence of menstruation. The further along you are in your pregnancy, the higher the concentration of HCG in your urine. The concentration of HCG in non-pregnant women is normally 5.0 mIU/ml. At the time of the last missed period; urinary HCG levels are around 100 mlU/ml and peak levels of 100,000 to 200,000 mlU/ml at the end of the first trimester.